The same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg. It’s about what you’re made of, not the circumstances.
There comes a time, when I doubt in myself. Not a big mystery and I am sure that this feeling is familiar for a lot of people out there.
Maybe I don’t know how to build up the real house, but every now and then I can be a master building a huge house in my small head. The main material is my thoughts, my fears and doubts.
This year in Easter I was in Spain. Away from my family and friends. My mom has painted the eggs as long as I remember. She is using onions and beetroot and every Easter morning we gather around the kitchen table and start our annual Egg match. She usually win, but I have to to tell you, she is cheating too. And we still roll our eyes on that, but its part of traditions. Our traditions, and hopefully one day I will use the same tactic on my own children.
I miss them. A lot. Even if I traveling is something what I am very used to, the time of these I get very sad. And if you are sad, it’s the same like you are buying a new land. To build your new house.
Then I am sad when I am builder. I can make myself very-very tiny, but horror castle in my head is huge.
The same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg. It’s about what you’re made of, not the circumstances.
I am not going to be a builder. Not any more. Maybe sometimes we do need to be cracked eggs, but it doesn’t need to define us. Sometimes I am onion and make people cry, sometimes I am Nutella jar and make people happy. But I am tough and strong and hell of a good chef.
And so are you.
So instead of being a builder and a sad tiny-tiny person, I made quail. And oh it was delicious! So I didn’t have our Egg match, or my dad’s famous dinner, instead I had my own little dinner party and it wasn’t bad a t all.
Happy Easter!
Kairi Tähe Spain, Valencia

sul on vaja:
2 vutti, puhastatud ja loputatud suitsupeekon
kimp rosmariini
kimp tüümiani
sool ja pipar
Pane vesi kartuli ja porgandi jaoks keema. Lisa sool ning kimp rosmariini.
Seo vuttide koivad kokku, et need ühtlaselt küpseksid. Matsesta soola ja pipraga. Pruunista pannil. Kohe mõnusalt krõbedaks. Koos rosmariini ja tüümianiga. Kui oled suurem küüslaugusõber, siis lisa ka küüslauk pannile.
Küpseta 200 kraadi juures umbes 7 minutit koos suitsupeekoniga.
Kui kartulid ja porganid pehmed, pruunista neid samal pannil, mida kasutasid vuti pruunistamiseks.
Head isu! Ja ole ettevaatlik, nii nagu vutt võib täielikku sõltuvust tekitada, võib ta oma pisikeste luudega ka Sinu suu katki teha.
Pole halba ilma heata, eks?!